Guide to Staying Present

How To Be More Aware!

Here's the Guide to Staying Present, with five ways to help you become fully conscious and engage with life!

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    black and brown eyeglasses on book on brown wooden table

    A 180 on my life was long overdue, and now that I have it–I wish to never go backwards. She can equip you with so many tools to prevent a backward slide as well, and that is invaluable! Her approach is a fantastic way to be geared, prepared, and ready for the day today. Thank you, Terri, for all the fantastic information, insight, podcasts, time, emails of encouragement, and warrior messages! You changed my life.

    Karen R.


    What you get:

    Free guide that helps you observe yourself and determine why you react to life the way you do. With this knowledge you have the power to change.

    What is it all about?

    Awareness is the greatest cause of transformation.

    It is only when we become fully conscious of the situation or its cause that you alter your responses to facilitate the changes you want to see in your life. You first have to realize your issue as you are the one with the negative response. It's your responsibility to change how you respond to the situation you find yourself in, no else is to blame for your reaction.